10 Inexpensive Long Lasting Emergency Foods

by | Jul 26, 2022 | Uncategorized

We all need to prepare for what is coming. If you decide to start stocking up on emergency foods, to ensure the longest life of your foods, make sure to store them in a dark, cool, dry place. Now that we know where to best store our emergency foods, here are a few of many foods you can stock up on that will last for many years in most cases.

  1. Canned fruits and veggies: Things stored in an acidic or vinegar base last a very long time
  2. Dried Beans are high in protein and fiber, lintel, black, kidney, and Garbanzo
  3. Salt, no mold grows on salt and does not go bad. Salt is a unique one but keeps food from being too bland
  4. Dried Herbs and Spices, can last pretty much forever in a cool, dry place. What to keep, ginger, lemon ginger tea is great, turmeric, hibiscus flower
  5. White Rice, Shelf life can be 25 to 30 years when properly stored. Brown rice only last 6 to 9 months because of the oils in them
  6. Natural Sweeteners, Pure maple syrup, honey, molasses
  7. Vinegar, White, Balsamic, Apple Cider Vinegar, shelf life is virtually indefinite
  8. Canned Soups, last a very long time and are filling
  9. Nuts, high calories and nutritious
  10. Pasta, Pasta is filling and has a very long shelflife

There are many more long-lasting foods that are great to have but these are cheap options to stock up on for emergencies.

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