How do you go off grid?

by | Jul 14, 2022 | Uncategorized

Many people hear about going off grid and wonder, How do I do it? Is going off grid safe? Lets address exactly how to go off grid and how to do it safely.

First, How Do I Go Off Grid? In many countries true off grid is impossible or difficult. They require you to be attached to the main power grid. In most cases they keep any excess power your solar panels produce. Going off grid is as simple as finding a safe place where your needs can be met. Normal needs, like shelter, food, water and power. The ideal off grid living will have fully self sustainable farming. You can do this on your own and find a remote area, do your research on the pluses and minuses of doing so, YouTube has a large variety of How To Go Off Grid Videos and actual families that have successfully gone off grid. We can help you with an amazing off grid community in Panama at

Is it safe to go off grid? We feel, done properly, it is typically more safe off grid then to encounter the craziness of our current global climate and chaos. They are predicting mass food shortages, power outages and rising crime. We often say the two times people make really bad decisions are either out of greed or desperation. While this is being written, it is reported that many in the UK are having to skip meals due to rising food cost. So to answer the question, Is Going off grid safe? We say done properly and with the right research, its the best way to go.

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