Is the world in trouble?

by | Jul 15, 2022 | Uncategorized

We can say with confidence the world is in trouble. Country after country is falling into desperation. People are skipping meals, cannot afford to pay for gasoline, and losing their homes. If you are not a homeowner, rents are going up at a rapid pace. What is happening and why? Well, many blame the mess on Russia, others blame it on fossil fuel, and others blame it on one world order. We all have our opinions and no matter what side of the issue you are on, we all know one thing, we have to protect ourselves and prepare. We believe you need to prepare food, alternate power sources, private water sources, and learn to farm. This may sound like a drastic measure and you may think, how can I prepare when I can barely pay my bills? The simple answer we advise is to take whatever steps you can, even if it’s buying an extra package of Romon Noodles for .25 every time you go to the store (We know it’s not the healthiest choice but a cheap alternative to hunger) There are other measures you can take, stop wasting money on $5 dollar coffees, don’t buy wasteful things, work on financial self-discipline.

The world is headed in a crazy direction but we must all take responsibility for our own future. We know many things are out of our control, but the best thing to do is be alert, go off-grid, and look at survival food options. Here is a list of foods you can purchase on your own and the food shelf life of them. These are estimated usage after the best-used date, Canned Goods 2 to 3 years, Spaghetti Sauce, 18 months, cereal 1 year, dry pasta 2 to 3 years, coffee 1 to 2 years, popcorn 1 year, peanut butter 18 months, spices 2 to 4 years, cookies 4 months, carbonated beverages 3 to 9 months.

Prepare, lock arms with others that have the same vision for preparing, and be ready

Survival Team

Survival Team